
My online/learning activities:

# YouTube ktmagar's YT: This is my YouTube channel where I make contents related to remote sensing, GIS and earth engine. The channel passed 100 subscribers in December 2021. Now, it proudly stands with 1000+ subscribers with nice feedbacks from the viewers. The channel has its own facebook page to share remote sensing, GIS and precision agriculture related topics, articles, resource, news and information.

This YouTube channel lets me practice about various things, not limited to, the speaking skills, the topics and research skills, the preparation methods of making digital contents while providing me with the nice chance to improve my knowledge of remote sensing and GIS. The slight objective has also been to prepare the uploads in russian, spanish and french as well.

      ## ktmagar7:  I also started other channel for my rough coding practice, to build my basic background of computing which will assist me in enhancing/constructing or exploring any programming concepts usable for remote sensing and GIS contexts.

      ## Others: Interests are in participation in these platforms. I do not have major participation, but I always aspire for any.

# Krishi Guru Mobile Application: I have involved here as the volunteer Agri. Content Creator writing topics related to agriculture in Nepali as the digital extension in the social media platform. And, answering / replying / suggesting to any farmer related queries if possible. In this, I was efficiently active after my bachelors, and now I sometimes perform this.

# Wikimedia Community Volunteer (User:Learnerktm): I edit Nepali Wikipedia and try to improve the content there. I like to improve the content qualities. I like to improve the grammar, wordings and check if the article can be improved at its best. Sadly, the Nepali Wikipedia is not at its great, but my wish is to participate in its improvements. There are limited number of active Nepali Wikipedia, probably because we get nothing in return. But, I believe, there are always certain tasks we can do as our duties, and knowledge should be free and accessible. My minor contributions are also in English Wikipedia.

# Other Hobbies:

  • Learning the Guitar: ~basic knowledge of guitar open chords, and can sing songs. "Singing, reading poems here: KSab T. Magar"
  • Theatre:~participated in few programs, previously.